Winter all over the US has not been good. In my hometown (Lansdowne, PA) we have been particularly plagued with the harsh cold and the seemingly never-ending snow fall. One after another, weather systems have brought us snow, ice, sleet, driving rain, or cold winds.
During these times, our hearty inhabitants pull out their trusty shovel, risking an aching back, a pulled muscle, or worse. Some fire up their snow blower, hoping to finish with both hands and all ten fingers intact. Teens and kids jump on the chance to go into the snow removal business. After one or two sidewalks, some go home, cold, shivering and just a little richer.
Delicate trees and bushes are bent over, bearing the weight of snow and ice that just won’t release them from their unnatural stance. One wonders which ones will have the strength to survive or recover. Melting snow will allow the most flexible branches to return to normal; and with the thaw, broken branches will reveal themselves, embarrassed by their weakness.
Driving down most streets in our tiny town is like passing through canyon walls of snow. Once beautiful white snow, it now lies gray in ruts on driveways and side streets. Main streets are a patchwork of bare macadam and ice. Streets wide enough for two cars now test drivers not only on their driving skills but also on their manners and consideration. There is stress as steering becomes a challenge and causes audible outbursts – some heavenly, some not.
A freak rise in temperature is too brief to be beneficial. In fact, it entices us to venture out, only to be horrified as each foot goes in a different direction on the slick film of ice that dripped over the thick layer of ice that remains stubbornly stuck to sidewalks and roads.
Winter white is beautiful....from inside where it's warm, cozy and safe.
Winter white is beautiful....from inside where it's warm, cozy and safe.